Coffee Talk with Stan Muschweck & StandOut Marketing
Today I had a coffee with one of my clients Stan Muschweck, owner and founder of StandOut Marketing. Stan is an accomplished marketing consultant, with over 30 years experience in brand and strategy development for Retail, Packaged Goods, Business to Business, Energy, High Tech, Non-profits, Sports Marketing and Entertainment, to name but a few. Stan has led agency teams in both big agencies and creative boutiques. He began his career as a copywriter and he has also written and produced television and radio commercials and print ads. An entrepreneur, he ventured out on his own three years ago and formed StandOut Marketing.I try to meet each of my clients on at least a quarterly basis to learn about how their businesses are doing, where they
are making their money, who their hot accounts are, and basically to find out how I can help them, if at all. I remember once someone told me that in any networking coffee/lunch meeting you should always ask the question, "How can I help you?" I also try to get my clients to reiterate for me "In Plain English" what they are doing, what products they are selling or services they are rendering and to whom (i.e., keeping their business in the top of my mind). Remember how I wrote about it's not who you know, or what you know, it's who knows what you know? Regarding Stan, in essence, if you are launching a new product or service or want to enter a new market, Stan and his team, among many other things, can assist in the development and/or implementation of a marketing plan. Over the years he has assembled a team of professionals to assist in the execution and production of any campaign. He has an impressive list of clients. He has both built and grown businesses, with innovative and insightful strategy, combined with hands-on experience and knowledge.Most people know that I keep up with social media trends. Stan is adept with both digital and Social Media tactics, and constantly monitors developing pathways that reach and influence consumers. Because his business is marketing (one of my secret intellectual passions), our coffee talks are usually pretty boisterous.Stan and I were also talking about using our time and talent for community projects that are important to us. While I talked about efforts to education students about the use of social media education, he told me that his community involvement and media negotiation contributed greatly to the recent Mike Tomlin campaign for the Extra Mile Education Foundation. This Foundation supports elementary schools in Pittsburgh’s toughest urban areas. Stan has always wanted to help disadvantaged students; Stan led the teams that produced Extra Mile’s new website, tv and billboard campaign. Stan was able to take a few thousands of dollars in media investment and multiply it more than tenfold.Stan is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, father of two daughters (one of whom was an actress in the Pittsburgh film The Perks of Being a Wallflower), a reincarnated Viking warrior from the ninth century, and loves what he does in helping businesses and organizations stand out.To learn more about Stan and his team, check out his website or or 412.889-2823.