I recently found out I was Board-Certified while I was in China adopting my new daughter.  This is my most meaningful professional achievement to date for many reasons.  Running a niche restructuring practice (that is debtor-focused) as a solo practitioner is not for the faint of heart.  I thank my staff, colleagues, mentors and referral sources who continue to entrust to me their clients.  I take each referral very seriously.  Another special thanks goes to my friends and family.  All of you have enabled me to hold tight to my career which has always been important and meaningful to me.    Thank you.  Board-Certified.... at last!!!!logoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESALENE R. KRAEMER,PITTSBURGH,PENNSYLVANIA CERTIFIED IN BUSINESS BANKRUPTCY LAWMarch 29,2019-The American Board of Certification announced that Salene R.Kraemer, attorney with Mazurkraemer Business Law, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has successfully completed the requirements for national certification in Business Bankruptcy Law.To become certified, Ms.Kraemer satisfied the following requirements:

  • Full-time practice of law for at least five years;
  • Good standing in the bars of all states in where a license to practice law is held;
  • Devoted at least 30% of practice time and at least 400 hours to bankruptcy-related matters in the last three years;
  • Documented involvement in Business Bankruptcy by providing information on cases practiced;
  • Demonstrated commitment to continuing legal education by earning at least 60 hours of bankruptcy education in the past three years.
  • Passed an extensive, day-long written examination covering Business Bankruptcy issues.

IMG_9670courthouseThe American Board of Certification (ABC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the public and improving the quality of the bankruptcy bar. The rigorous ABC-certification standards are designed to encourage bankruptcy practitioners to strive toward excellence and to recognize those attorneys who are experts in the bankruptcy field.  The ABC offers separate certificate programs in business and consumer bankruptcy and creditors' rights.  All three ABC Certification Programs are accredited by the American Bar Association.  For a complete listing of certified attorneys, see our webpage at www.abcworld.org.The ABC is co-sponsored by The American Bankruptcy Institute and the Commercial Law League of America.  The ABC Board of Directors consists of many of the nation's finest bankruptcy and creditors' rights attorneys, former judges, and law professors.###


MAZURKRAEMER Featured in Member Spotlight for IWIRC Western Pennsylvania's September Newsletter


MAZURKRAEMER Law Clerk Spotlight: Jared Quinn, MAZURKRAEMER Law Clerk